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Mit jelent az hogy R. I. P?

Figyelt kérdés

2019. jún. 9. 14:46
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:
requiescat in pace
2019. jún. 9. 14:49
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Latinul: nyugodjon békében!
2019. jún. 9. 14:49
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Angol változatban Rest In Peace
2019. jún. 9. 14:57
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:




2019. jún. 9. 15:04
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Requiescat In Pace (Latin: May He/She Rest in Peace)

Rest in Peace

Routing Information Protocol

Research in Progress

Rest in Paradise

Recovery Is Possible (software)

Rock Im Park (rock festival in Germany)

Ride in Peace

Rest in Pieces

Rust in Peace

Receptor-Interacting Protein (cell apoptosis)

Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography (pulmonary ventilation)

Regulation of Investigatory Powers (commerce regulations, UK)

Réseaux d'Initiative Publique (French: Public Initiative Network)

Remove Invasive Plants (Arlington, VA)

Real Imaging Processor

Routing Information Packet

Router Information Protocol

Recover Is Possible

Raster Image Processor

Remote Image Protocol

Rest in Peas

Reconnu d'Intérêt Pédagogique (French: Recognized Educational Interest; trademark of Ministry of National Education)

Run In Place (aerobics/exercise)

Ribosome-Inactivating Protein

Relief In Place

Rock in Peace (song title)

Ruimte Innemend Proces (Dutch: Space Engaging Process)

Rot in Pieces (band)

Really Inspirational People

Road Improvement Project (Bangladesh)

Ranger Indoctrination Program

Running Intersection Property (junction trees)


REACH Implementation Project

Really Into Partying

Regular Investment Plan (various locations)

Retirement Income Plan (finance)

Repair In Place

Residential Investment Property

Read in Peace

Riposi in Pace (Italian: Rest in Peace)

Return If Possible

Refractive Index Profile

Ripped in Pieces (band)

Remedies In Place

Rehabilitation and Inspection Program (USACE)

Read in Private

Releve d'Identite Postale (French: statement of postal identity)

Reduction in Personnel

Retired In Place :-)

Research Investigation Process (Analysis of Variance Science Education)

Report on Individual Personnel (USAF)

RCRA Implementation Plan

Readiness Improvement Program

Reactor Internal Pump (power plant)

Reliability Improvement Program

Rest In Proportion

Return Instruction Pointer

Raster Image Processor/Processing

Routing Interchange Protocol

Reduction Implementation Panel (US DoD)

Raw in Process Inventory

Raw In-Process

Rapid Isothermal Processing

Reparable Issue Point

Request in Process

Rapid Install Package (Altiris)

Rise If Possible

Régime Interprofessionnel de Prévoyance (French: Interprofessional Retirement Plan)

Register of Intelligence Publications

Radar Improvement Plan

Reflex Inhibiting Posture

Received Isotropic Power

Recoverable Item Program

Remote Indicator Panel

Remaining in Period

Rolling Injection Planter

Reconnaissance Information Point

Requirements Integration Panel

Rapid Installation Plan/Phase

Regulated Intramembrane Proteolyns

Rapidly Induced Phosphatase

Repair, Inspect, Paint (railroad)

Rate Image Processor

Rough In Point

2019. jún. 9. 16:02
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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