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Kérem szépen valaki lefordítaná magyarra?

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Stay and dance with me

My chest doesn't keep away

Arrhythmical with my heart to step on you

All night, a whole life

A silent exchange of glances

And write that it hurts, but it seems tasty

Enter my soul and sabotage it

Dot the lines, pass past the mark

Semi-drunk, semi-awake, semi-high

You semi-leave, but I want you to stay longer

Don't leave me in the echoes of dance

Sing to me in whispers until the last step

Stay and dance with me

My chest doesn't keep away

Arrhythmical with my heart to step on you

All night, a whole life

Stay and dance with me

My chest doesn't keep away

Arrhythmical with my heart to step on you

All night, a whole life

Read carefully, on closed eyes

I brought you to the margins for you to push me

Smile at me with fear, throw me into the void

You tell me that I'll fall, I take it like a flight

Semi-drunk, semi-awake, semi-high

You semi-leave, but I want you to stay longer

Don't leave me in the echoes of dance

Sing to me in whispers until the last step

Stay and dance with me

My chest doesn't keep away

Arrhythmical with my heart to step on you

All night, a whole life

Stay and dance with me

My chest doesn't keep away

Arrhythmical with my heart to step on you

All night, a whole life


2020. ápr. 27. 19:55
 1/1 anonim válasza:

Rămâi az maradjot jelent.

Az elso vers szak: Maradj es tancolj velem.

2020. ápr. 27. 20:15
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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