Angol nyelvtan?

Figyelt kérdés

Köszönöm a segítságet előre is!! Nagyon fontos lenne!!!

A. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Can / Must I go out on Saturday night?

B: Of course. But don’t be late.

2. A: Is your wife feeling better?

B: Yes, but the doctor said she needs to / mustn’t go to work till she is completely well.

3. A: Did you finish your project last night?

B: I’m afraid not. I need to / couldn’t work on it again today.

4. A: We don’t have to / mustn’t buy Amanda a gift; it’s not her birthday.

B: OK, but we could / don’t have to get her some ice cream.

5. A: Could /May you help me wash the car?

B: Sure but first I am able to / must finish this e-mail.

6. A: Sorry, Sir but you needn’t / mustn’t take pictures in the museum.

B: I’m sorry, I didn’t know.

B. Complete the dialogues with the modal verbs in the boxes.

do I have to, can, need to, mustn’t

A: Excuse me,...... I smoke in here?

B: No, I’m afraid not. You....... smoke here.

A: So,....... go out, or can I smoke somewhere else?

B: You......... go outside. Sorry!

have to,could,can't

A: help me with this exercise?

B: I’m sorry but I....... . I....... meet Julie in half an hour.

C. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Our old sofa wasn’t as...... (comfortable) as our new one.

2. Kathleen is.... (interested) in going to the theatre than in going to the


3. Climbing that mountain was.... (tiring) than I thought.

4. Mark is as.... (careful) as his sister when he drives.

5. That was the.... (bad) film I’ve ever seen.

6. Paul was able to swim..... (far) than Jim in the race.

7. Today I’m the...... (happy) person in the world.

8. Scuba-diving was the..... (exciting) experience I’ve ever had.

D. Rewrite the questions in Indirect Speech.

1. Where is your passport?

Can you tell me ...

2. Who is Jack’s mother?

Do you know ....

3. Why are the shops still closed?

Do you know .....

4. How much does this sleeping bag cost?

Can you tell me .....

5. How many languages does our tour guide speak?

Do you know . ....

2015. nov. 2. 19:04
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:


1. can

2. mustn't

3. need to

4. dont have to

5. could

6. could

7. must

8. mustn't


1. can, mustn't, do i have to, need to

2. could, can't, have to


1. comfortable

2. more interested

3. more tiring

4. careful

5. worst

6. further

7. happiest

8. most exciting

2015. nov. 2. 23:17
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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