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Angolosok! Valaki kiegészítené/kijavítaná az alábbi összefoglalómat?

Figyelt kérdés

Mondat elején:

+ = kijelentő mondat

- = tagadó mondat

? = kérdő mondat

Present Simple

+ I read books, my father reads newspaper.

- We don't study Spanish. Mary doesn' study French.

? Do you live in a town? Does she help you?

Present Continous S + am/is/are + V-ing

+ I am doing an exercise now.

- Sue is not doing the homework at the moment.

? Are you playing basketball now?

* Listen! Mary is singing a ballad.

(look, pay attention, watch out)

Present Perfect Simple S + has/have + V3/ V-ed (never/ever)

+ I have repaired my bike. She has read the book.

- They haven't met a new colleagne. Sue hasn't done the homework.

Present Perfect Continous have/has + been V-ing

+ I have been reading a book since 10 o'clock. Tom has been going in the park for a long time.

Past Simple

+ I played football last Sunday. I drank a topjoy last week.

- Sandy didn't come to school. Tom didn't drink the tea.

Past Continous

A) Past Continous was/ + V-ing

+ Last week on Monday at 9 o'clock Sarah was singing in her room. Tom was drinking tea yesterday after school.

B) Past Continous + while + Past Continous

+ I was reading while my mother was cooking in the kitchen. Sue was watching TV while her sister was playing tennis.

C) Past Continous + when + Past Simple

+ Jack was going home when he saw Alice in front of the shop. I was watching a movie when my sister come home. Lucy was playing handball when her brother thew a flower.

D) when + Past Simple + Past Continous

+ When I arrived home, my sister was eating gropes. When Sue painted, her mother was cooking in the kitchen.

Past Perfect Simple (had + V3/V-ed)

+ When we arrived the class had already begun.

Future Simple

+ I'll be at school tomorow to.

Present Simple as Future -> plans/ arragements

A) Present Simple

+ We want to go to Paris next week. (=We'll go...) I stay to watch a horror film tonight. (=I'll stay...)

B) Present Continous going to + verb

+ I'm going to pass the exam in June. My parents are going to buy a new car in August.

if + Past Perfect (had + V3/V-ed) + Past Conditional (would have + V3/V-ed)

+ If I had gone, I would have visited the Narional Hytory Museum. If I had learned more, I would have got better marks.

2016. máj. 19. 16:37
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Sue hasn't done HER homework.

Tom has been WALKING in the park for a long time.

I drank a BOX OF Topjoy last week.

Tom didn't drink tea.

I was watching a movie when my sister CAME home.

Lucy was playing handball when her brother PICKED a flower.

When I arrived home, my sister was eating GRAPES.

I'll be at school TOMORROW TOO.

I stay IN to watch a horror film tonight.

2016. máj. 19. 17:12
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Továbbá: They haven't met THEIR new colleague.

While Sue was painting, her mother ... (Mindkettő folyamatos.)

Az I stay soha nem fogja zt jelenteni, hogy I'll stay. Ezek nem felcserélhetők. Kizárólag menetrendnél, műsornál fejezhet ki a present simple jövő időt. The train leaves at 4. The performance starts at 6.

I'm going to pass the exam in June az nem jó. Nem vagy jós. Csak azt tudhatod, hogy I'm going to TAKE the exam in June. Hogy átmész-e, az még nem ismeretes.

history i-vel.

If I had gone THERE/to London

If I had studied more. A learn tárgy nélkül inkább az eredményességre utal, nem a folyamatra.

2016. máj. 19. 20:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

"Kizárólag menetrendnél, műsornál fejezhet ki a present simple jövő időt."

Ha a menetrendbe, műsorba beleértjük a saját magunk holnapi programját, a szomszéd jövő heti programját, stb.

2016. máj. 20. 14:28
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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