Kezdőoldal » Kultúra és közösség » Nyelvek » Mit jelent ez a dalszöveg...

Mit jelent ez a dalszöveg pontosan?: Mert a csak angolul írta. De tényleg.

Figyelt kérdés

All I wanna do is, all I wanna do is make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

Put the, put the past behind us

All I wanna do is, all I wanna do is, all I wanna do is make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

All I wanna do is...make up

Put the, put the past behind us


Broken promises, broken wedding vows

The clock is ticking down

Hoping daddy'll crack a smile

How can I support a child

Last time I had a job, It's been a while

The question remain so freely

Why does it have to happen to me?

To wash away the pain of drinking, Im thinking..

[Chad Kroeger]

Im waiting for the day that, together we could find another way back,

Put everything we've got in stake lets worry about today

And put tomorrow in a bottle. (bottle)

If theres some way that

We can take back the wrong that we created we can change that,

Dont turn your head the other way

Your born to save today.

Put tomorrow in a bottle

Lets put tomorrow in a bottle (bottle) [x8]


Ohhh, Girl, you ain't right

I apologise

Wont be satisfied till what we had was gone away

Hey, Hey every other day we doesnt fight

And I take it two wrongs dont make a right

You had my head gone

I had you dead wrong

Thinking that same old song

Wondering why you mad at me, me

Now you gotta understand my lingo


Baby This is how it should be (hey!)

Are you gonna do me like that?

Your both supposed to have my back, back [x4]

And we both dont know how to act

Wasnt a lead by the door ....


[Chad Kroeger]

Im waiting for the day that, together we could find another way back,

Put everything we've got in stake lets worry about today

And put tomorrow in a bottle. (bottle)

If theres some way that

We can take back the wrong that we created we can change that,

Dont turn your head the other way

Your born to save today.

Put tomorrow in a bottle

Lets put tomorrow in a bottle (bottle) [x8]

...that I never thought at all the love we had would go away

Put your back against the wall

I was your bread and butter

Like girl

Why was the relationship so down

Like we established the fact

That you were so strong to get

I wont go spreading my ex

From Tallahassee and back

2022. máj. 31. 19:53
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Egy ukrán lefordítja neked néhány euróért. Mi a dal címe?
2022. máj. 31. 21:07
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
Timbaland feat. Chad Kroeger-Tomorrow in a bottle
2022. máj. 31. 22:07

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