Kezdőoldal » Egyéb kérdések » Egyéb kérdések » Angol dalszöveg lefordítása -...

Angol dalszöveg lefordítása - Calum Scott-Biblical, (nem találom magyarul)?

Figyelt kérdés

Nem megy jól az angol, a fordítóval elég értelmetlen szöveg jön ki, esetleg valaki leírná magyarul?


Didn't know that I'd fall so hard

That my feet left the ground

Gravity don't make no sense when you're around

I come up against myself when

Demons in my head get loud

I don't know how you do it but you turn them down

I slip and wonder who I'd be

If I never found you and you never found me

Well, I don't wanna see

So won't you give me tonight

And the rest of your life?

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

And when you open your eyes

I'll be there by your side

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

'Cause your love is biblical

Biblical, it's biblical

If you ever go to pieces

Fall between the thunder clouds

I will put you back together, I won't let you down

I slip and wonder what I'd do

If you never found me and I never found you

I don't know what I'd do

So won't you give me tonight

And the rest of your life?

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

And when you open your eyes

I'll be there by your side

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all (I wanna have it all)

I wanna have it all (I wanna have it all)

I wanna have it, I wanna have it all (I wanna have it all)

'Cause your love is biblical

It's biblical, it's biblical

So won't you give me tonight

And the rest of your life?

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

So come on and give me tonight

And the rest of your life

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

And when you open your eyes

I'll be there by your side

I wanna have it all with you

I wanna have it all with you

'Cause your love is biblical

It's biblical, it's biblical

jan. 17. 20:13
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Az értelmetlen nyersfordítást te magad is kiigazíthatod, ha tudsz valamennyit angolul.
jan. 17. 21:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
De nem tudok
jan. 18. 06:27

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