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Lefordítaná valaki ezt az angol dalszöveget magyarra?

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nem találtam meg magyarul sehol, sajnos :)

Skipping through the days to come home, a million conversations, auto-pilot steer flow, I'm on my one man mission eyes down take note, I've never liked you stay away from me don't rock the boat, this is the greatest gift from everything I've ever hated, from all this figuring lifes shit that's got me jaded, faded all this time this doubting got me under-rated this is my mechanism, moving forward isolated, belated superficial gestures of a phony type, I come alive when I'm incarcerated late at night, I wish that I could leave this soul destruction every night that I could regress in an able bodied prototype if that made sense I'd leave him here handle lesser buisness, I'm immaterial but I still got things on my wishlist, this is desire can't you hear it in my C+ english I'd loved the finer things but that's not being realistic, ballistic everybody goes when I'm singing, I'm sick of singing pain so I'm free, broke I'm winging, its coming out my heart purer than the way I'm living, maybe I'll see ya, or maybe I'll just give in.. Yeah its too much now that I'm all grown up I've been dragged through the dirt now I should be blowing up but still I'm blowin' yeah I'm blowing and still I don't know where the hell I should be going, so I guess its just live like this til my mind goes snap! No love no drug could ever fill this gap, yeah I live for the highs till it all comes back like the tears of the years that I can't get back!

2013. okt. 6. 21:03
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