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A medve kérdése:

Ma kaptam a hazimat de nem nagyon tudom hogy alljak neki, inderect question-nek kell benne lennie. Nagyon kéne a segítség?

Figyelt kérdés

Lancaster Farm

Tired of expensive resort vacations that are stressful and exhausting? Take a vacation on the slow lane -- visit a farm!

Lancaster Farm offers lodging on our working grass fed beef and sheep farm. Since opening we've hosted many distinguished guests including actors, writers, doctors, ladybugs and spiders.

Well-mannered children are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult on the farm premises.

Check-in: 4-7:30 PM. Check-out: 11 AM. • For the comfort of all guests, no smoking is permitted in the house or buildings.

Sorry, we can't accommodate pets. if you have any questions or comments please contact us, we are always at your service.

You decide to book your holiday here. At least two of the following points should be mentioned in your letter plus one other aspect.

What kind of of accommodation you need

Your special requests

What you expect from this holiday

Why you want to holiday here

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula. Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the farm, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

Please write 150-200 words.

2020. ápr. 26. 21:41
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Pedig elég részletesen le van írva.
2020. ápr. 26. 21:47
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Addig orulj amig ez nem nemetul van mint nekem 😭😭😭
2020. ápr. 26. 21:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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