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Anglisztikások figyelem! Ötletek az alábbi kérdésekre?

Figyelt kérdés

El kellett olvasnunk több fejezetet különféle könyvekből.(The Chrysanthemums, The Masque of the Red Death, The Swimmer, Desiree’s Baby, Self-Reliance, The Open Boat)

Előre megkaptuk a dolgozat kérdéseket, elég sok van belőlük, viszont van három, amikkel szinte mindannyian küzködünk. Én személy szerint mindegyik előírt szövegrészletet elolvastam, de nem mindegyiket elemeztük át órán, tehát vannak vakfoltok.

Első kérdés:

What parallels can you identify between "The Masque of the Red Death" and "The Swimmer"? - Nem tudok rájönni semmilyen párhuzamra sem. Mindkettő egyfajta allegória talán, de konkrétumra nem jutottam.

Az alábbi két kérdés Emerson, Self-Reliance című művéhez kapcsolódik:

(Ez az olvasmány ment a legnehezebben mindenkinek, alig értettünk belőle valamit, ezt a tanár tudtára is adtuk. Mondatokat elemeztünk ahelyett, hogy a szöveget vettük volna át, viszont mégiscsak a legnehezebb kérdéseket abból az olvasmányból kaptuk, amit nem látunk át.)

- According to Emerson, what effect does conform to social institutions have on an individual?

- What are Emerson’s thoughts on remaining consistent in one views or convictions?

2023. okt. 5. 17:14
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Első részről angolul:

Isolation and Escape:

In "The Masque of the Red Death," the characters in Prince Prospero's castle are isolated from the outside world, trying to escape the deadly plague. They engage in extravagant parties and distractions to avoid the reality of their situation.

In "The Swimmer," the protagonist, Ned Merrill, embarks on a journey through a series of swimming pools, attempting to swim across his suburban neighborhood. His journey can be seen as an attempt to escape from the reality of his life and the passage of time.


Both stories use symbolism to convey deeper meanings. In Poe's story, the seven colored rooms represent the stages of life, and the clock striking midnight symbolizes the inevitability of death.

In "The Swimmer," the swimming pools Ned encounters symbolize different stages of his life and the passage of time. As he progresses through them, he becomes increasingly aware of the changes in his own life.

Themes of Decay and Mortality:

"The Masque of the Red Death" is centered around the theme of mortality, as the Red Death represents the inevitability of death, no matter how wealthy or powerful one may be.

"The Swimmer" also deals with the theme of mortality as Ned Merrill's journey reveals the decay and emptiness in his own life and the lives of those around him.

Escapism and Denial:

In both stories, the characters engage in some form of escapism or denial to avoid facing harsh realities. In Poe's story, it's through extravagant parties and revelry, and in Cheever's story, it's through Ned's quest to swim across the neighborhood.

Social Commentary:

"The Swimmer" can be seen as a critique of suburban American society and the pursuit of the American Dream. It highlights the emptiness and superficiality of this lifestyle.

While "The Masque of the Red Death" is more allegorical and less directly tied to a specific social commentary, it can be interpreted as a commentary on the inevitability of death and the futility of trying to escape it.

2023. okt. 5. 17:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Második: Emerson famously wrote, "Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist." He encouraged individuals to trust their own intuition, embrace their individuality, and not be afraid to express their original ideas and beliefs, even if they diverged from conventional wisdom or societal norms. Emerson believed that true self-reliance and self-expression required a willingness to stand apart from the crowd and resist the pressures of conformity.
2023. okt. 5. 17:24
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Thank you very much for these thorough answers, I am profoundly delighted and grateful, they really come in handy for us right now! Obviously, I cannot forget the green ticks. Have a wonderful day!
2023. okt. 5. 17:33
 4/4 anonim ***** válasza:

"in one views or convictions"


2023. okt. 7. 19:46
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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