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Mit írjak az angol portfólióba?

Figyelt kérdés

Erre a szövegre kell egy 100-120 szavas választ írni.:

Hi,I hope you are OK.Listen, I want to ask you for some advice.Annie,a girl in my class, has fallen in love with a boy, but he isn't very intrested in her. She keeps giving him presents and she hangs around in front of his house and waits for him in the mornings. We know that he and his mates laugh about her.Should we tell Annie that everyone is laughing about her? Or shold we just wait and see what happens? What do you think? PLEASE let me know. Write soon!

megköszönném a segítésget.

2011. dec. 13. 17:11
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

Dear név,

I'm fine, thank you for your question. How are you? Is everything alright with you? I'm sorry about the girl in your class. It must be really hard for her. Love isn't always easy. It is usually complicated. I think that you should tell the girl that the boy doesn't love her and she shouldn't continue what she's been doing lately. Because it is very embarassing to her. Honesty is always better than lying. Hopefully, she will forget the boy and she will find a boy who loves her, too. That is my advice. I hope I helped.

I'm looking forward to your answer.

2011. dec. 13. 23:27
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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