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Le tudnátok nekem fordítani angolról magyarra egy részletet a Hopsin - Fort Collins ft. Dizzy Wright cimű zenéből?

Figyelt kérdés

But you know that shit when you rise

And by no surprise, I'm not gon' feed into the lies

No, I'm not gon' say that you wrong

But I'm not gon' say that you right, it's hard to keep quiet

When all I do is hold you down

If I ain't know you then, well I feel like I know you now

I know you had a little doubt, but to hop off stage and find out

You done walked out, and you not taking nobody calls

You don't wanna deal with it

But I'm looking at these fans like damn there's a lot of y'all

You got me tripping with the bodyguard

Like "Nigga, how the fuck you lose the headliner?"

Now I don't care that you left the show

I just wish you woulda let me know

Cause I don't know if you've been kidnapped

Or know somebody from the city where they live at

But, the way you went about it make it hard for me to feel bad

Honestly it made a nigga real mad

Cause I'm texting you like Hop the devil just testing you

When Fort Collins got respect for you

And that's why the next day, you was like

2015. okt. 17. 19:42
Sajnos még nem érkezett válasz a kérdésre.
Te lehetsz az első, aki segít a kérdezőnek!

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