Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Zene » Írtam egy angol dalszöveget....

Írtam egy angol dalszöveget. Milyen lett?

Figyelt kérdés

Please love me

Please kiss me

Please be with me!

Please hug me

Please want me

Please look at me!

I love you

I kiss you

I am with you

I hug you

I want you

I look at you

We love

We kiss

We hug

A kis, a hug can change the world!

2019. máj. 25. 11:59
1 2
 11/11 anonim ***** válasza:

Amit te írtál az nem nevezhető dalszövegnek.

Hoztam egy példát az Arctic Monkeys-tól hogy milyen egy értelmes dalszöveg.(igaz ez már elég nehéz nyelvezetű)

"The Jeweller's Hands"

Fiendish wonder in the carnival's wake

Dull caresses once again irritate

Tread softly stranger

Move over toward the danger that you seek

You think excitement has receded then the mirror distracts

The logic of the trance quickly reaches and grasps

Handsome and faceless and weightless your imagination runs

And now it's no ones fault but yours

At the foot of the house of cards

You thought you'd never get obsessed

You thought the wolves would be impressed

And you're a sinking stone

But you know what it's like to hold the jeweller's hands

That procession of pioneers all drowned

In the moonlight they're more thrilling those things that he knows

As he leads you through the grinning bubble blowers in the snow

Watching his exit was like falling off the ferry in the night

The inevitables gather to push you around

Any other voice makes such a punishing sound

It became laughter's assassin shortly after he showed you what it was

And now it's no ones fault but yours, at the foot of the house of cards

You thought you'd never get obsessed

You thought the wolves would be impressed

And you're a sinking stone

But you know what it's like to hold the jeweller's hands

That procession of pioneers all drowned

If you've a lesson to teach me I'm listening, ready to learn

There's no one here to police me I'm sinking in until the return

If you've a lesson to teach please don't deviate, don't be afraid

Without the last corner piece I can't calibrate, let's get it engraved

2019. jún. 24. 20:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
1 2

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