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Anita B. kérdése:

Passive voice causative form? Nagy szükségem van a megoldásra

Figyelt kérdés

Complete the senctences using the word in the bold

1.The teacher will send you out if you keep on talking.

“be” You....the teacher if you keep on talking

2.They are going to transfer him to Portugal.

“be” Portugal.

3.They will have completed the construction by September.

“been’’ September

4.They are holdig the caretaker responsible for the problems.

“is” The .... for the problems

5.A journalist is going to cover the story.

“be” The a journalist.

6.They will have appointed a new director by the end of the week.

“been” A new the end of the week.

7.They gave him a gold watch when he retired.

“was”He...when he retired.

8.The mother told her son off for shouting.

“Was” He...his mother for shouting.

9.They are opening the new restaurant this evening.

“Is”The new restaurant...this evening.

#Causative form #passive voice.
2017. nov. 9. 17:16
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