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Mit jelent ez az angol szöveg? (többi lent)

Figyelt kérdés

First comes seventeen, but it is by that name only at night.

Second comes the halfway mark of beginning to end.

Last comes the third quarter of half of the whole.

If you consider 24 hours in a day the puzzle is relatively easy to solve. Hour 17 of the day is 5 PM. This means the first stump you should touch is the one located where 5 o'clock is on a 12 hour clock (one right of the southern stump). Half of 24 is 12. So the second is where 12 o'clock would be (the northern stump). Lastly, 3/4 of 12 = 9. So the last stump to touch is located at 9 o'clock (the western stump). After solving the riddle an old man, who calls himself a Keeper of Light, appears in front of the well. Approach him to receive a quest.

2014. okt. 19. 17:19
Sajnos még nem érkezett válasz a kérdésre.
Te lehetsz az első, aki segít a kérdezőnek!

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