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The Benefits and Disadvantages of Private vs. Public Education

Family tradition and financial circumstances largely determine whether parents choose private or public education for their children. Though private schools are expensive, they are ideal for those who need a smaller and more caring environment, or are not confident enough to cope with a large, less supportive community. The facilities, the after-school programmes and the infrastructure in private schools are usually more up-to-date since they can finance their expenditures from tuition fees. This, together with smaller class sizes, which enable teachers to focus on more and pay more attention on individual students. This explains for the lower drop-out rates, fewer disciplinary problems and less violence these institutions are encountered with. On the other hand, we should add that public school vary widely with academic and extracurricular programmes, and many of them attain upshots as good as their private counterparts.

2018. jún. 8. 18:29
 1/6 anonim ***** válasza:
persze, 3ezer forint paypalen vagy azzal egyenértékű btc bár az nem nagyon éri meg neked
2018. jún. 8. 20:40
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 2/6 anonim ***** válasza:

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Private vs. Public Education

Family tradition and financial circumstances largely determine whether parents choose private or public education for their children. Though private schools are expensive, they are ideal for those who need a smaller and more caring environment or are not confident enough to cope with a large, less supportive community. The facilities, the after-school programmes and the infrastructure in private schools are usually more up-to-date since they can finance their expenditure from tuition fees. This, together with smaller class sizes, which enable teachers to focus on more and pay more attention to individual students. This explains the lower drop-out rates, fewer disciplinary problems and less violence these institutions are encountered with. On the other hand, we should add that public schools vary widely with academic and extracurricular programmes, and many of them attain upshots as good as their private counterparts.

2018. jún. 9. 03:22
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 3/6 anonim ***** válasza:

"This, together with smaller class sizes, which enable teachers to focus on more and pay more attention to individual students." - Ebből a mondatból hiányzik a mondat.

"these institutions are encountered with" - Az I am eaten sem azt jelenti, hogy én eszem...

2018. jún. 9. 07:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/6 anonim ***** válasza:

Nehéz elhinni, hogy valaki olyan ostoba, hogy nem érti, mit írok, oszt lepontoz, de hátha megvilágosodik, ha vesézgetjük.

Sejtem én, mit akart írni a fogalmazó, azt, hogy: Ez az, a kisebb létszámú osztályokkal együtt, ami lehetővé teszi... Helyette most az olvasható, hogy: Ez, a kisebb létszámú osztályokkal együtt, amelyek lehetővé teszik... Itt tehát egy mellékmondat van csak a which után.

2018. jún. 10. 18:43
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 5/6 anonim ***** válasza:
This LATTER ASSET, ALONG WITH smaller class sizes enable teachers to focus MORE ON individual studentS' NEEDS.
2018. jún. 10. 18:49
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 6/6 anonim ***** válasza:


This LATTER ASSET, ALONG WITH THE BENEFIT OF smaller class sizes enable teachers to focus MORE ON individual studentS' NEEDS.

2018. jún. 10. 18:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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