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Valaki ránézne az angol fogalmazásomra? (C1)

Figyelt kérdés

Sziasztok, ezer nyelvvizsgán voltam már, ezúttal tanár nélkül készülök fel (próbálok), szerintetek jó a stílusom? (akármilyen észrevételeket írhattok). Köszi!

- the reason online ordering is popular

- who it is the most popular with

- the drawbacks it might have

- prospects for the future

After the Internet had appeared, it didn’t take much time, it’s wormed its way very quickly into our lives. A lot of things became available for us without even going to somewhere.

It would be really difficult to find a section where you can’t use the Internet to help you. In today’s world you can pay your bills, apply to a language exam and also order products easily by clicking your mouse.

The latter is the most popular function of the technological improvement. Ordering clothes from home, comparing prices in ten seconds, no anger that something is out of stock, not standing and waiting wearily in the queue – it has a lot of benefits that make our lives easy and comfortable.

As I’ve experienced, people prefer buying electronical stuff and books online. You can’t get the in a „wrong size” and usually they are cheaper if you use their website to order things and the shipping either free or worth it.

Unluckily, like everything, it has its dark side. There are a lot of hackers waiting for you to give your credit card info and transfer your money to their account. So if you give your secret code, it’s not guaranteed that it won’t be abused.

Besides, it can be also risky when you pay for something and get nothing in return and the seller disappeares after you two got in touch and thus steals your money. But if you are precautious and conscious enough, the chance is low that you will be abused.

Notwithstanding these drawbacks, I think that the popularity of this service won’t diminish. We’re all living in a society where everyone tries to hustle hard and wants to save time on everything possible.

2019. jan. 2. 12:24
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
2019. jan. 30. 00:50
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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